Verdict Videos - Every case has a story

Settlement Video: Every case has a story

Kelly Deutsch News, Settlement Video

What was the victim’s life like before the incident? Who is liable? What are the damages and why should the opposing parties pay compensation? These and other issues can be addressed with on-camera interviews of expert witnesses, informed family members and deposition testimony of the key players. The interviews may be intertwined with before-and-after photos, demonstrative re-creations, police reports and other visual elements. Professional narration is included throughout the video to guide the viewer through the sequence of events.

This television-style legal video documentary has the ability to unveil a captivating depth about the victim, the effect on victim’s family and the circumstances surrounding the case. To achieve that depth, an experienced documentary production team will skillfully create a videotaping atmosphere of safety, openness and patience, which allows the interview subjects to fully explore and share the deep, emotional hidden truths about what has occurred. There is no doubt, presenting the case information in this way makes for a convincing and powerful presentation.