Los Angeles Trial Lawyers’ Charities: FROM THE HEART

Kelly DeutschGiving Back, News

LATLC & Verdict Videos Promote the true impact of #givingback #makingadifference #triallawyer #mylatlcfamily #triallawyerscare

LATLC & So Cal Trykers: Aryn Harty

Aryn was born on January 15th, 2012. He was eight pounds, two ounces.

Perfect in every way, and we just, we’re so excited to have an additional boy in our family. He was just absolutely beautiful. He was an angel.

Unlike his brother though, he was more of an outdoorsy kid. Sports, activities, just a boy.

Aryn loved kick boxing, skateboarding, playing soccer, and baseball.

January 5th of 2019, he suffered, an AVM rupture, arteriovenous malformation, which, caused an artery in his head to, burst.

Arteriovenous Malformation is an abnormal connection between the arteries and veins in the brain or spine.

There are fewer than 200,000 cases per year.

Doctors didn’t know if Aryn would survive. He was unconscious for six days before waking up.

They had to do everything for him. The breathing and the feeding.

Aryn was in the hospital for two months.He had to relearn how to walk, talk, eat, and swallow.

Aryn did  turn seven when he was in the hospital, and he had to relearn everything. Um, this AVM left him with deficits on his right side, and he couldn’t… he didn’t know how to talk. He didn’t know how to walk. He couldn’t eat.

He’s such an inspiration to me ’cause I look at him every day and just look… see how strong he is and how just the positive outcome that he has on life and knowing that he knows that he’s gonna get better every day as long as he works hard.

Lately, he’s been expressing how sad it is for him to not be able to run with his friends, not to play the same games.

One of… the biggest things he lost was the ability to hang out with his brother.

Thanks to Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Charity and their partnership with SoCal Trykers, Aryn was given his very own adaptive tryke.

This custom-fitted tryke will give Aryn the joy of playing with his brother and friends, the independence to be mobile, and help to further his progress in gaining physical strength.

Getting this tryke just, it’s such a blessing.

This tryke is gonna give him the ability, to get out there and- and- and keep up but at the same time, helping him with his, physical progress.

Aryn says he loves it’s his favorite color red. He loves the style, and how it helps his right leg. The tryke helps with his exercise, and he can ride with his brother, Ayden.

Ayden is happy that he got the tryke, “Because now, we can spend time with each other more outside.”

According to Aryn’s mom, the family feels extremely blessed that Aryn was able to receive this tryke and that’s gonna help him further along his progression.


Los Angeles Trial Lawyers’ Charities is A 501(c)(3) Organization http://www.latlc.org/

SoCal Trykers Chapter of AMBUCS. AMBUCS is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.  https://socaltrykers.wixsite.com/ambucs

Verdict Video, Inc. is a legal video production company that has donated over 600 service hours to LATLC to help promote the organization’s great work in the Los Angeles Community. Trial lawyers who care.