Verdict Videos - Settlement documentary: Presenting critical evidence and proving damages

Settlement documentary: Presenting critical evidence and proving damages

Kelly Deutsch News, Settlement Video

For the purposes of this article we will explore the challenges of presenting a case of an adult survivor of sexual abuse. Adult survivors of sexual abuse rarely have physical signs of injury. Regardless of the age of the victim at the time of the sexual abuse, it is a traumatic, violating experience that may impact every aspect of the victim’s life. For instance, an adult survivor of child sexual abuse may have difficulty trusting others and suffer from low self-esteem. They may engage in destructive personal relationship or choose an under-achieving career path. They often show signs of post-traumatic stress, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and addiction, insomnia, hyper-aggressiveness and possess suicidal tendencies. Since the symptoms are rooted deep within the victim’s psyche and affect nearly every aspect of the victim’s life, the plaintiff’s expert psychiatrist’s written evaluation may not be enough to demonstrate the deep seated harm caused by the abuse.

So how does one succeed in presenting a three dimensional case without a visible injury so that it lives and breathes for those reviewing the client’s claim? Unlike physical injuries, there is no way to reconstruct the horrific events of sexual abuse and no physical way to show the emotional scars that have so deeply affected the victim. Enter the best weapon in every attorney’s arsenal: the legal video settlement documentary.

Video documentaries are sophisticated presentations produced specifically for pre-trial mediation and settlement. The sole purpose of these videos is to present your client’s claim in a clear, concise and visual way so as to convince the opposing parties it is in their best interest to pay maximum compensation now, rather than risk the wrath of a jury trial later.

A well-crafted settlement video can incorporate the key factors of a case, and visually weave them into a cohesive television-style documentary presentation. The effect is profound, as it not only provides a humanizing portrait of the victim; it individualizes the case and forces the opposing parties to evaluate the claim promptly and in earnest.

In addition, the settlement documentary can be an effective tool used to present critical evidence and prove damages, thereby improving the impact of your client’s demand letter or settlement brief, thus increasing the value of the case. Professionally produced legal video documentaries are powerful and persuasive forms of communication that reveal the deeper components of the case and leave an impact on the viewer like no other medium can. A professional settlement video will deliver the case theme and events as if the matter is being presented as a news documentary program such as Dateline or 20/20.